Bucharest, 11-22 September 2017

Participants Abstracts Photos IMAGINARY Enescu Festival


Photos from the conference , from the musical social event and the debate that followed, and from the IMAGINARY exhibition were uploaded.

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A summer school and workshop will take place in Bucharest in September 2017. Their goal is to cover some active topics in algebraic geometry: homological methods, discrete and arithmetic aspects, and singularitiesFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest

A special feature of this event will be a close relation to the George Enescu Music Festival . During the three weeks of the festival, an IMAGINARY math & music exhibition will be shown in the foyer of the Mihai Jora Concert Hall, while further events involving a direct interaction of mathematics and music - and of mathematicians and musicians - are planned.

Homological methods
Syzygies of a projective variety are very fine numerical invariants that control the embedding of the variety. From the syzygies, one can easily recover the Hilbert function, however, their outmost importance comes from the fact that they carry intrinsic geometric properties. They can be used to extract information on the geometry of moduli spaces of polarized varieties.

Discrete aspects
They originate in the theory of toric varieties linking algebraic varieties to convex geometry and combinatorics. Nowadays, the field has expanded into several directions like tropical geometry, Berkovich-spaces, and Newton-Okounkov bodies. Algebro-geometric theories like the minimal model program have counterparts in discrete geometry.

Singularity theory is essential in the classification of algebraic varieties. While the classification in dimension one and two can be done in the smooth setting, from dimension three on the minimal model program heavily relies on singular varieties. Moreover, they play an interesting role in mirror symmetry where resolutions and deformations are interchanged.

Arithmetic geometry
With Peter Scholze being one of the speakers for a series of four lectures, we shall focus on perfectoid spaces, and integral de Rham theory. With Yves André being one of the lecturers, we shall have some emphasis on motivic theory over fields, and periods. In addition, we expect some activity around the study of rational points and the index of specific varieties over p-adic fields and number fields. This should be covered by Olivier Wittenberg and other mathematicians around him.

11-15 September 2017


There will be four lecturers, and each will give a series of four one-hour lectures.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09:30-10:30 Registration
David Eisenbud
Lecture 1
David Eisenbud
Lecture 2
June Huh
Lecture 3
June Huh
Lecture 4
10:30-11:00 opening C O F F E E
11:00-12:00 Peter Scholze
Lecture 1
June Huh
Lecture 1
June Huh
Lecture 2
Duco van Straten
Lecture 4
L U N C H @13:00 Contemporary
Music concert
14:00-15:00 Peter Scholze
Lecture 2
Peter Scholze
Lecture 3
Peter Scholze
Lecture 4
David Eisenbud
15:00-15:15 B R E A K
15:15-16:15 Duco van Straten
Lecture 1
Duco van Straten
Lecture 2
Duco van Straten
Lecture 3
David Eisenbud
Lecture 4

18-22 September 2017


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
08:30-09:00 Registration Registration Registration Registration Registration
09:00-10:00 D. Eisenbud O. Wittenberg M. Mustaţă A. Corti S. Galkin
10:00-11:00 F.O. Schreyer M. Hering J. Poineau I. Cheltsov B. Rémy
11:00-11:30 C O F F E E B R E A K
11:30-12:30 A. Caraiani A. Conca A. Werner F. Ambro Y. André
L U N C H @13:00 Contemporary
Music concert
14:15-15:15 A. Dimca C. Raicu M.E. Rossi J. Wisniewski
15:15-15:20 B R E A K NO BREAK
15:20-16:20 G. Farkas S. Kovács F. Nicolas M. Verbitsky

Composer François Nicolas will lecture about "Musical heterophony and its possible echoes in mathematics"


The talks are 50 minutes, ending about 30 minutes before the concerts at the Enescu Festival start.

2-24 September 2017

The George Enescu Festival is held in Bucharest every other year, and is maybe the most important music festival in Eastern Europe. In 2017 Zubin Mehta will be the Honorary President. The festival consists of three weeks of concerts, and every weekend special events dedicated to contemporary music will take place.


You can find the programme here. Ticket sales will start in November 2016.


In the frame of the conference, composer François Nicolas will talk to mathematicians about music. Further joint public discussions with musicians and mathematicians will be organised. Among others, some of the composers presenting their work in the contemporary music workshop will be part of these discussions. A joint social event is also being planed.


In the foyers of the concert halls an IMAGINARY exhibition will be shown. It will contain a part about algebraic surfaces, and interactive exhibits about the overalps of music and mathematics.


The main concert halls are Sala Palatului and Ateneul Român. Both are less than 800m away from the conference venue. The workshop "Music of the 21st Century" will take place every weekend (Friday to Sunday) at Sala Radio - another 1.2 km further away.


Klaus Altmann (FU Berlin)
Marian Aprodu (U Bucharest & IMAR)
Alexandru Constantinescu (INdAM & IMAR)
Hélène Esnault (FU Berlin)

Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy

Local Organizing Committee

Florin Ambro (IMAR)
Marian Aprodu (U Bucharest & IMAR)
Alexandru Constantinescu (U Genova & IMAR)
Cezar Joiţa (IMAR)
Cătălin Gherghe (U Bucharest)
Marius Vlădoiu (U Bucharest)
Victor Vuletescu (U Bucharest)


Clay Mathematics
ERC Advanced Grant Compositio Foundation George Enescu Festival 2017 AXXESS CAPITAL /
The Research Insitute of the University of Bucharest